Family law is a foundational area of legal study, as it pertains to the intimate, day-to-day lives of individuals. Family law serves as a guiding light, offering a sense of clarity and structure in the midst of conflict and separation. It is an area where equilibrium is sought, where what is fractured is restored, but also where what can still be sustained is preserved. Within the context of marriage, parental responsibilities, and the inheritance of emotional bonds, family law navigates the delicate balance between autonomy and obligation, commitment and reciprocity.

peaceful and protected family
peaceful and protected family
peaceful and protected family
peaceful and protected family

The field of family law pertains to the most intimate moments of an individual's life, encompassing areas such as divorce, child custody disputes, inheritance issues, and the division of property. The role of the legal profession is to provide assistance and legal solutions to address these matters. A key tenet of our approach is to work in collaboration with our clients, ensuring that their interests, along with those of their children, are protected and advanced. It is crucial to recognise that each family is unique, with each situation being distinct. In this diversity lies the true vocation of the law: to serve as a guiding beacon, a fortress of protection, and a reliable support system.

Our expertise :

  • Advice on the choice of matrimonial property regime

  • Paternity proceedings, contestation of paternity

  • Application for withdrawal of parental authority

  • Contribution to the maintenance and education of the child

  • Visiting and accommodation rights

  • Parental agreement

  • Divorce by mutual consent

  • Contentious divorce

  • Settlement of matrimonial property

  • Family mediation

peaceful and protected family
peaceful and protected family

A peaceful and protected family